A szemantikus web térhódítása folytatódik. Példákat még nem lehet
látni, de nem lennék meglepődve, ha alapvetően a RDA szótárat
használnák az adatok publikálására.
Horváth Ádám
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hauser, Julia <J.Hauser@dnb.de>
Date: Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 8:15 AM
Subject: The German National Bibliography as Linked Open Data
To: "semantic-web@w3.org" <semantic-web@w3.org>, "public-lod@w3.org"
<public-lod@w3.org>, "public-lld@w3.org" <public-lld@w3.org>
* apologies for cross posting*
We are happy to announce that our Linked Data Service has expanded and
now includes bibliographic data.
In the year 2010 the German National Library (DNB) started to publish
its authority data as linked data. Our Linked Data Service [1] has
expanded and now includes bibliographic data. As part of this process
the license for linked data will also be changed to "Creative Commons
Zero" [2].
As a first step, the bibliographic data of the DNB's main collection
(apart from the printed music and the collection of the Deutsches
Exilarchiv) and the serials (magazines, newspapers and series of the
German Union Catalogue of serials (ZDB)) have been converted.
Henceforth the RDF/XML-representation of the records are available at
the DNB portal [3]. This is an experimental service that will be
continually expanded and improved. Closer information about modeling
and further procedures can be found in the updated German
documentation [4] and in the soon coming updated English documentation
We welcome comments and questions on the wiki documentation site [1].
Best regards,
Julia Hauser
[1] https://wiki.dnb.de/display/LDS/
[2] http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
[3] http://portal.dnb.de/
[4] http://files.d-nb.de/pdf/linked_data.pdf
[5] http://files.d-nb.de/pdf/linked_data_e.pdf
Julia Hauser
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Adickesallee 1
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49-69-1525-1784
Telefax: +49-69-1525-1799
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