2012. július 16., hétfő

[KATALIST] Fwd: [IFLA-HUN] Erdekes cikk: Article on Copyright law & National Digital Library

Az IFLA-HUN levelező listáról továbbítom, nyári olvasmánynak a zivataros időben.

Elnézést, akik már megkapták.


Moldován István

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Szilagyi, Agota <SzilagyiA@state.gov>
Date: Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 8:48 AM
Subject: [IFLA-HUN] Erdekes cikk: Article on Copyright law & National
Digital Library
To: ifla-hun@infoserv.inist.fr

Kedves Kollegak!

Erdekes cikk jelent meg arrol, hogy a konyvtari digitalizalas
elengedhetetlen feltetel a copyright torveny modositasa.

Reforming Copyright Law and progressing with a National Digital
Library, written by a law professor:

Reforming Copyright Is Possible - And it's the only way to create a
national digital library, by Pamela Samuelson

· "The failure of the Google Book settlement, however, has not killed
the dream of a comprehensive digital library accessible to the public.
Indeed, it has inspired an alternative that would avoid the risks of
monopoly control. A coalition of nonprofit libraries, archives, and
universities has formed to create a Digital Public Library of America,
which is scheduled to launch its services in April 2013. The San
Francisco Public Library recently sponsored a second major planning
session for the DPLA, which drew 400 participants. Major foundations,
as well as private donors, are providing financial support. The DPLA
aims to be a portal through which the public can access vast stores of
knowledge online. Free, forever."


Szilagyi Agota

Agota Szilagyi (Ms.)
IRC Director
American Embassy
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