Dear Colleague,
I am pleased to tell you the Europeana portal has been updated and improved as Europeana Collections. The site has proved to be stable and we will move out of the beta phase in a few weeks’ time. We have received very positive feedback since its initial launch in December and we are now promoting its benefits more widely. We would like you to join us and promote the site via your networks.
You can experience Europeana Collections for yourself with our quick demo - and using the on-screen options to share it on social media, with the #AllezCulture hashtag, will help celebrate the rich European culture it contains.
Improved search and filters, including innovative colour searches (try this one for ‘Dark slate blue’) and quality searches (find our very best maps of Paris), mean finding what you’re looking for is simple. Better, bigger previews, a zoom function for high resolution images and documents (get really close up to this Monet), direct play for video (try this silent film) and audio (listen to this Maria Callas aria) and a new download option mean less time clicking and more time engrossed in cultural content. Clear copyright information shows you what you can and can’t do with the treasures you find.
All together, this means trustworthy and relevant content to use, to learn, to share or to contribute to research.
We expect that this new look and feel will benefit our partners in the cultural sector, providing their collections with international visibility and greater context so that visitors can share in the bigger picture of European culture.
As ever, Europeana Collections is a continual work in progress and there are further developments in the pipeline, we’ll keep you informed.
I would like to thank you for your continued support of Europeana as an MSEG representative and hope that you enjoy Europeana Collections.
Best regards,
Jill Cousins
Jill Cousins
Executive Director
T: +31 (0)70 314 0952
M: +31 (0)6 1322 3759
Skype: jillcousins
Be part of Europe's online cultural movement - join the Europeana Network Association:
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Kedves Kollégák!
Továbbítom az Europeana Collections megújult webes felületéről szóló
Tóth Máté
---------------------------- Eredeti üzenet -----------------------------
tárgy: Join us in promoting the new Europeana Collections website
feladó: "Jill Cousins" <>
dátum: 2016.január 18.(H) 5:23 pm
címzett: Undisclosed recipients:;
Dear Colleague,
I am pleased to tell you the Europeana portal has been updated and
improved as Europeana Collections. The site has proved to be stable and we
will move out of the beta phase in a few weeks' time. We have received
very positive feedback since its initial launch in December and we are now
promoting its benefits more widely. We would like you to join us and
promote the site via your networks.
You can experience Europeana Collections for yourself with our quick
- and using the on-screen options to share it on social media, with the
#AllezCulture hashtag, will help celebrate the rich European culture it
Improved search and filters, including innovative colour searches (try
this one for 'Dark slate
and quality searches (find our very best maps of
mean finding what you're looking for is simple. Better, bigger previews,
a zoom function for high resolution images and documents (get really close
up to this
Monet<>), direct
play for video (try this silent
and audio (listen to this Maria Callas
and a new download option mean less time clicking and more time engrossed
in cultural content. Clear copyright information shows you what you can
and can't do with the treasures you find.
All together, this means trustworthy and relevant content to use, to
learn, to share or to contribute to research.
We expect that this new look and feel will benefit our partners in the
cultural sector, providing their collections with international visibility
and greater context so that visitors can share in the bigger picture of
European culture.
As ever, Europeana Collections is a continual work in progress and there
are further developments in the pipeline, we'll keep you informed.
I would like to thank you for your continued support of Europeana as an
MSEG representative and hope that you enjoy Europeana Collections.
Best regards,
Jill Cousins
Jill Cousins
Executive Director
T: +31 (0)70 314 0952
M: +31 (0)6 1322 3759
Skype: jillcousins
Be part of Europe's online cultural movement - join the Europeana Network
Disclaimer: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential
and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the
system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not
disseminate, distribute or copy this email. Please notify the sender
immediately by email if you have received this email by mistake and delete
this email from your system.
Dr. Tóth Máté
Könyvtári Intézet
Kutatási és szervezetfejlesztési osztály
1827 Budapest Budavári Palota "F" épület