2018. március 19., hétfő

Re: [KATALIST] KI - Zöld könyvtár konferencia Fwd: [IFLA-L] The 1st International Conference on Green Libraries - LetsGoGreen!

Kedves Eszter,
szívesen olvasnám a konferencia legérdekesebb megállapításait. Tudsz ilyen forrást?

2018-03-19 10:15 GMT+01:00 Fazokas Eszter <fazokas@oszk.hu>:

Kedves Kollégák!

A március 14-i MKE konferencia egyik fő témája a "zöld könyvtár" volt.
Az érdeklődők számára ehhez kapcsolódva továbbítom Petra Hauke levelét az IFLA levelezőlistáról
a novemberre tervezett zágrábi konferenciáról.

Let's Go Green!
Croatia, 8-10 November 2018
"The conference will provide an opportunity for participants/librarians to encounter the latest trends

in the development of this new field and exchange experiences and examples of best practice."


--   FAZOKAS Eszter  osztályvezető / Head  Könyvtártudományi Szakkönyvtár / LIS Library  Könyvtári Intézet / Hungarian Library Institute  Országos Széchényi Könyvtár / National Széchényi Library  H-1827 Budapest  Tel.: (36-1) 224-3794

-------- Továbbított üzenet --------
Tárgy: [IFLA-L] The 1st International Conference on Green Libraries - LetsGoGreen!
Dátum: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:02:46 +0100
Feladó: Petra Hauke <petra_hauke@web.de>
Válaszcím: petra_hauke@web.de
Címzett: ifla-l@infoserv.inist.fr >> Mailinglist IFLA-L <ifla-l@infoserv.inist.fr>

Dear colleagues,
with great pleasure I would like to draw your attention to the following conference.
Looking forward to seeing you in Croatia, 8-10 November 2018!
Petra Hauke



The 1st International Conference on Green Libraries

8-10 November 2018, Zagreb / Brijuni, Croatia


Green and sustainable libraries represent a newer branch of librarianship.

Their aim is to educate users and promote and popularize sustainable development,

organic food production, environmentalism, alternative energy and

green technology, architecture and innovations.

The conference will provide an opportunity for participants/librarians to encounter the latest trends

in the development of this new field and exchange experiences and examples of best practice.

The program will include talks by scientists, experts and activists

of international renown in the field of green libraries. 

The key themes of multi-disciplinary expertise will be covered:

·         Building a green and sustainable library – architecture, adaptation, extension

·         Green collections – collection development, availability of items, educating librarians

·         Libraries and digital commons – material footprint and artificial scarcity in knowledge access

·         Interacting with the community – educating users, societal impact

·         Green literacy and mental ecological education

·         Green projects and programs – presentation, realization, evaluation

The programme of the conference will include regular and invited presentations,

poster presentations, workshops and computer simulations. 

For details of abstract submission and registration see:



National and University Library in Zagreb

Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4

10000 Zagreb, CROATIA

T:  +385 1 6164 129, +385 1 6164 197

F:  +385 1 6164 285

E:   letsgogreen@nsk.hr  

W: http://letsgogreen.nsk.hr/

--   Dr. Petra Hauke  ENSULIB, Secretary  Ass. Teacher, Berlin School of Library and Information Science  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin  12107 Berlin, Germany  Tel. +49 30 741 59 03  E-Mail: petra.hauke@hu-berlin.de  https://www.ibi.hu-berlin.de/de/institut/personen/hauke  ------------------------------------  Upcoming book project August, 2018:  Going Green: Implementing Sustainable Strategies in Libraries Around the World.  Buildings, Management, Programs and Services. Edited on behalf of IFLA/ENSULIB by  P. Hauke, M. Charney, and H. Sahavirta.  https://www.ibi.hu-berlin.de/de/studium/studprojekte/buchidee/bi17                  

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