2017. július 6., csütörtök

[KATALIST] cikke kérése

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A következő cikkeket keresem egy kutatáshoz:


Rutherford, Brian N., et al. "Measuring salesperson burnout: A reduced Maslach burnout inventory for sales researchers." Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 31.4 (2011): 429-440.


Shepherd, C. David, Armen Tashchian, and Rick E. Ridnour. "An investigation of the job burnout syndrome in personal selling." Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 31.4 (2011): 397-409.


Lewin, Jeffrey E., and Jeffrey K. Sager. "Salesperson burnout: A test of the coping-mediational model of social support." Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 28.3 (2008): 233-246.


Hollet-Haudebert, Sandrine, Jay Prakash Mulki, and Christophe Fournier. "Neglected burnout dimensions: Effect of depersonalization and personal nonaccomplishment on organizational commitment of salespeople." Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 31.4 (2011): 411-428.


Rhoads, Gary K., Jagdip Singh, and Phillips W. Goodell. "The multiple dimensions of role ambiguity and their impact upon psychological and behavioral outcomes of industrial salespeople." Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 14.3 (1994): 1-24.


Sager, Jeffrey K., and Phillip H. Wilson. "Clarification of the meaning of job stress in the context of sales force research." Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 15.3 (1995): 51-63.


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Nusser Tamás



IBS International Business School

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