legújabb hírlevelét.
Ebben hívják fel a figyelmet a jövő heti, Budapesten,
az OSZK-ban tervezett rendezvényre.
A projekt keretében készítendő Útmutató, Roadmap
új változata is olvasható és véleményezhető már nyilvánosan.
Moldován István
---------------------------- Eredeti üzenet -----------------------------
tárgy: Civic Epistemologies: the Project gets to the Heart!
feladó: Digital Meets Culture <digitalmeetsculture@promoter.it>
dátum: 2015.július 3.(P) 11:29 am
címzett: <moldovan@oszk.hu>
Civic Epistemologies News, July 2015
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh
Framework Programme for research, technological development and
demonstration under grant agreement no 632694
** Contribute to the Roadmap for Citizen Science!
** A living document that is growing.
The second version of the Roadmap for Citizen Science, building on the
first draft that was presented during the Workshop on the Roadmap
organised in Leuven on February 2015, is now available for download. It is
a living document which grows continuously, absorbing and integrating the
inputs gathered throughout the project within its various activities: the
pilot, the case studies, the workshops, the website, the participation to
third parties events etc.. Help us to shape the way citizens can
contribute to the research! Read more and send us your feedback
(http://www.civic-epistemologies.eu/outcomes/roadmap/) .
** Workshop on Innovation in Cultural Heritage Institutions
** Budapest, 9-10 July 2015
Civic Epistemologies is now exploring the conditions for a wide
cooperation between Cultural Heritage institution and Citizens. Which are
the policies that cultural institutions shall adopt in order to be ready
to cooperate with citizens? How can the e-Infrastructures support this
process of innovation? This thematic workshop, hosted in the premises of
the National Library in Budapest, represents the occasion to discuss with
European Cultural Heritage organisations about the role to be played in
this innovation process by the participation of citizens and by the use of
e-Infrastructures. Join us in Budapest… Read more
and register
** Unlock the Innovation Potential of Digital Heritage
** Final Conference in Berlin, 12-13 November 2015
Civic Epistemologies International Conference, hosted in the Hamburger
Bahnhof (Berlin), is devoted to the presentation of the project's outcomes
and to illustrate the Roadmap for Citizen Science. Key-note speakers, EC
representatives, e-Infrastructure experts will debate around the following
main topics: 1) the Information Age is producing a big change that is
impacting on the cultural institutions, their practices, the way that the
heritage is preserved, accessed and made available on the Internet; 2) the
participation of the citizens to the research on digital cultural
heritage, to the digitisation activities, and to co-creation experiences,
including the artistic dimension, represents a big potential that is
demanding to be unlocked… Read more
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