Hátha valaki Magyarországról is be tud kapcsolódni ilyenekbe ...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Spence, Paul <paul.spence@kcl.ac.uk>
> Date: 2011/10/5
> Subject: [dm-l] Digital Humanities 2012 - CfP preconferences,
> workshops and tutorials
> To: "dm-l@uleth.ca" <dm-l@uleth.ca>
> Please find below the Call for Proposals for pre-conferences,
> workshops and tutorials for the Digital Humanities 2012 conference, in
> Hamburg Germany. Note that the deadline for this call (Midnight GMT on
> 1 November - please check equivalent time in your time zone) is the
> same as the deadline for posters, papers and panel sessions announced
> a few weeks ago. Deadlines will be firm.
> All submissions can be made through the ConfTool website at
> https://secure.digitalhumanities.org (see instructions below) and do
> check the DH2012 conference website for news in the coming weeks:
> http://www.dh2012.uni-hamburg.de/
> Paul Spence
> Chair of International Programme Committee for 2012
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Call for proposals: Pre-conference Workshops and Tutorials Alliance of
> Digital Humanities Organizations Digital Humanities 2012 Hosted by
> University of Hamburg
> 16-22 July 2012
> http://www.dh2012.uni-hamburg.de/
> Proposal deadline: November 1, 2011 (Midnight GMT)
> I. General Information
> The International Program Committee invites submissions of proposals
> of no more than 1500 words for pre-conferences or specialized
> Tutorials and Workshops on any aspect of digital humanities, from
> information technology to problems in humanities research and
> teaching. Tutorials are typically a half day to a full day; workshops
> and pre-conferences may be one day or more. We particularly welcome
> submissions relating to interdisciplinary work and on new developments
> in the field, and we encourage submissions relating in some way to the
> theme of the 2012 conference, 'Digital Diversity: Cultures, languages
> and methods' <http://www.dh2012.uni-hamburg.de/>.
> Proposals might, for example, relate to the following aspects of
> digital humanities:
> - computer-based research and computer applications in literary,
> linguistic, cultural and historical studies, including electronic
> literature, public humanities, and interdisciplinary aspects of modern
> scholarship;
> - the digital arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new media, and
> related areas;
> - research issues, including data mining, information design and
> modelling, software studies, and humanities research enabled through
> the digital medium.
> - digital humanities and diversity
> - libraries, archives, and the creation, delivery, management, and
> preservation of humanities digital resources
> - text analysis, corpora, corpus linguistics, language processing,
> language learning, and endangered languages
> - the role of digital humanities in academic curricula
> The range of topics covered by digital humanities can also be
> consulted in the journal of the associations: Literary and Linguistic
> Computing (LLC), Oxford University Press.
> Participants in Workshops or Tutorials will be expected to register
> for the full conference as well, paying the regular registration fee.
> There will be additional fees of roughly 40-50 Euros per half-day for
> participants in tutorials and workshops, with a minimum attendance of
> approximately 10 participants each, in order to ensure that these
> events cover their own costs.
> The deadline for submitting proposals to the Program Committee is
> November 1, 2011. All submissions will be refereed. Presenters will
> be notified of acceptance by December 15, 2011. See below for full
> details on submitting proposals.
> Proposals for non-refereed or vendor demonstrations should be
> discussed directly with the local conference organizers (please email
> katrin.schoenert@uni-hamburg.de) as soon as possible.
> For more information on the conference in general, please visit the
> conference web site, <http://dh2011.stanford.edu/>.
> II. Pre-Conference Tutorials
> Proposals for Tutorials should provide the following information:
> 1. A title and brief description of the tutorial content and its
> relevance to the DH community (not more than 1500 words).
> 2. A brief outline of the tutorial structure showing that the
> tutorial's core content can be covered in a half-day tutorial
> (approximately 3 hours, plus breaks). In exceptional cases, full-day
> tutorials may be supported as well.
> 3. The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of
> the tutorial instructors, including a one-paragraph statement of their
> research interests and areas of expertise.
> 4. A list of previous venues and approximate audience sizes, if the
> same or a similar tutorial has been given elsewhere; otherwise an
> estimate of the audience size. (DH Tutorials are expected to be
> self-financing.)
> 5. Special requirements for technical support.
> Proposals will be submitted via the DH2012 conference registration
> application, ConfTool, at the address
> https://secure.digitalhumanities.org/ no later than November 1, 2011.
> Accepted tutorial speakers will be notified by December 15, 2011, and
> must then provide final draft abstracts of their tutorials for
> inclusion in the conference registration material by February 1, 2011.
> The description should be in two formats: an ASCII version that can
> be included in email announcements and published on the conference web
> site, and a Word or ODT (not PDF) version for inclusion in the
> electronic proceedings (detailed instructions to follow).
> III. Pre-Conference Workshops
> Proposals for workshops should provide the following information:
> 1. A title and brief description (of not more than 1500 words) of the
> workshop topic and its motivation (i.e., its relevance to DH).
> 2. A description of target audience and expected number of participants.
> 3. The intended length and format of the workshop (minimum half-day;
> maximum one and a half days).
> 4. A budget proposal (DH Workshops are expected to be self-financing.)
> 5. Dates for submission deadline (if there is to be a CfP) and
> notification of acceptances.
> 6. A list of individuals who have agreed to be part of the workshop
> program committee if the workshop proposal is accepted.
> 7. Full postal address, phone number, e-mail and fax of the workshop
> contact person.
> 8. Special requirements (e.g. computer infrastructure or audio equipment).
> Proposals will be submitted via the DH2012 conference registration
> application, ConfTool, at the address
> https://secure.digitalhumanities.org/ no later than November 1, 2011.
> You will be notified about the decision to accept or reject the
> proposal by December 15, 2011.
> IV. Format of the Proposals
> All proposals must be submitted electronically using the online
> submission form in the ConfTool system no later than November 1, 2011.
> Anyone who has previously used the ConfTool system to submit proposal
> or reviews should use their existing account rather than setting up a
> new one. Information for new users is available at the ConfTool site.
> If anyone has forgotten their user name or password, please contact
> <paul.spence@kcl.ac.uk>.
> V. Information about the conference venue
> Hamburg on the river Elbe has about 1.8 million inhabitants within the
> city limits, making the old Hanseatic merchant city Germany's second
> largest metropolis. Hamburg is characterized by its port, its
> international orientation and a cosmopolitan flair.
> The University of Hamburg was founded in 1919. Today the Faculty of
> the Humanities is home to over 10,000 students. Since its inception
> Hamburg University has maintained a strong focus on foreign languages
> and cultures. To foster and to explore such diversity is a key task of
> the Humanities - and to provide theories, methods and tools to this
> end poses a particularly interesting challenge to the Digital
> Humanities. We hope you will join in the discussion on "Digital
> Diversity" at the DH2012 and look forward to seeing you in Hamburg!
> VI. International Program Committee
> Susan Brown (SDH-SEMI - Vice Chair)
> Arianna Ciula (ALLC)
> Tanya Clement (ACH)
> Michael Eberle-Sinatra (SDH-SEMI)
> Dot Porter (ACH)
> Jan Rybicki (ALLC)
> Jon Saklofske (SDH-SEMI)
> Paul Spence (ALLC - Chair)
> Tomoji Tabata (ALLC)
> Katherine Walter (ACH)
> Jan Christoph Meister (ex officio, Local Host)