Elindult az Europeana Linked Data Pilot. Az OSZK-át büszkeséggel
tölti el, hogy adatai több szinten is részt vettek ebben a
Az OSZK részvételének egyik szintjéről a http://data.europeana.eu
oldalon ez áll:
In addition to the original data harvested by Europeana from its data
providers, the data served at data.europeana.eu includes:
* links to other Linked Open Data services, which hold
information about object that are also served by data.europeana.eu:
the Swedish cultural heritage aggregator (SOCH) and the national
library of Hungary.
* semantic enrichment done at the Europeana Office, connecting
Europeana objects to structured representations of places (using
GeoNames) and time periods.
Alább olvashatnak egy rövid híradást a projektről, részleteket pedig
a fenti linken találnak.
Horváth Ádám
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Date sent: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 15:51:29 +0200
Send reply to: Antoine Isaac <aisaac@FEW.VU.NL>
From: Antoine Isaac <aisaac@FEW.VU.NL>
Subject: ANN: Europeana Linked Data Pilot
[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]
we are happy to announce the first Europeana Linked Open Data Pilot
release: http://data.europeana.eu
data.europeana.eu currently contains metadata on 3.5 million texts,
images, videos and sounds gathered by Europeana
(http://www.europeana.eu). These objects come from content providers
who have reacted early and positively to Europeana's initiative of
promoting more open data and new data exchange agreements. These
collections come from 10 direct Europeana providers encompassing
around 300 cultural institutions from 17 countries. This gives us an
RDF dump containing approximately 185M triples.
Here is an example URI to get started with:
We appreciate your feedback for further enhancements. Please contact
us [1] or post to this list!
- Bernhard & Antoine
[1] http://data.europeana.eu#contact
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