2011. március 3., csütörtök

[KATALIST] IFLA kérdõív a könyvtárosi pálya megújulásával kapcsolatban

Kedves Kollégák!

A megújuló könyvtáros szakma perspektíváinak felmérésére céljából az
alábbi címen található, 29 pontból álló kérd"oív kitöltésére kérnek


A kérd"oív március 15-ig lesz elérhet"o.

Fazokas Eszter
Könyvtörténeti és Könyvtártudományi Szakkönyvtár

Részletek a felmérésr"ol:

[IFLA-L] New Librarians International/National Association
Activity and Career Attitudes Survey

In 2007, individuals from five continents answered a survey about new

librarians, leadership, library associations and professional
futures. Results including a proposed plan of action were published
under the title "International Perspectives of the New Librarian
Experience," (Feliciter, Issue #2, 2007). This year we are following
up on that survey and kindly asking for help in finding out more
about the perspectives of new librarians from different regions of
the world.

Recently, library associations from a number of countries have
developed various initiatives to introduce new librarians to their
group's existence, include them in their activities, develop their
careers, and encourage them to stay in the profession. This brief,
general survey intends to measure the success of these initiatives.
Findings will be presented at library associations´ conferences and
discussed in journal articles.

Please, take a few minutes to answer the survey. It will be available
*until March 15*. Answers are confidential. Participants will remain

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