2011. február 1., kedd

[KATALIST] Fwd: Felhívás IFLA kitüntetésekre jelölésre [IFLA-L] Call for Nominations: IFLA 2011 Honours and Awards

Közelmúltbeli magyar jelölési sikert már tudhatunk a magunkénak.  Marga Coing asszonyt, a Bundestag, a német parlament könyvtárának vezetőjét a közép-európai parlamenti könyvtárakat támogató tevékenységéért a szöuli IFLA világkonferencián az 'IFLA Award' díjjal tüntették ki.

Haraszti Katalin

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Tárgy: [IFLA-L] Call for Nominations: IFLA 2011 Honours and Awards
Dátum: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 14:02:03 +0100
Feladó: IFLA Webmaster <webmaster@ifla.org>
Címzett: <ifla-l@infoserv.inist.fr>
CC: IFLA-GB <ifla-gb@infoserv.inist.fr>

Web version: http://www.ifla.org/en/honours-awards/call-for-nominations     Deadline: 11 April 2011 (late submissions shall not be considered)   The IFLA Governing Board bestows Honours and Awards to recognise individuals contributing to IFLA and the international library and information services sector. All authorized representatives of Members and Personal Affiliates are eligible to make nominations.     Honorary Fellow (http://www.ifla.org/honours-awards/honorary-fellow)    Honorary Fellow is IFLA's highest award, and is awarded on the basis of merit. It may not necessarily be awarded every year. A nomination for Honorary Fellow is required to be supported by at least three nominators who are current IFLA Members. Nominations must include evidence to support any claims against the criteria. A nomination must be accompanied by at least two written referee reports. Referees should not also be nominators, and at least one referee should be an IFLA Member. Referees should address the nominee's suitability for the award, in relation to the criteria and may provide further information relevant to the award if desired.   In making its decision, the Executive Committee will examine only the evidence and referee reports provided to it through the nomination. The evidence and referee reports you provide should be based on the following required criteria:   1. Length of service to IFLA; 2. Type(s) of service to IFLA; 3. Outstanding achievements within that service to IFLA; and 4. Service that has brought distinction to IFLA in the international arena.  ----   IFLA Medal (http://www.ifla.org/honours-awards/ifla-medal)  IFLA Medal is conferred on a person who has made a distinguished contribution either to IFLA or to international librarianship. It is anticipated that one medal would be awarded each year, to a nominee from the country hosting the IFLA WLIC.   A nomination for the IFLA Medal is required to have at least two nominators who are current IFLA Members. A nomination must include evidence to support any claims of the nominee's distinguished contribution either to IFLA or to international librarianship. Each nomination shall be accompanied by at least two written referee reports. Referees should not also be nominators, and at least one referee should be an IFLA Member.   In making its decision, the Executive Committee will examine only the evidence and referee reports provided to it through the nomination. The evidence and referee reports you provide should be based on the following required criteria:   1. Length of service to IFLA or the profession; 2. Nature of the contribution to IFLA or to international librarianship; 3. Significance of that contribution to IFLA or to international librarianship.   ----  IFLA Scroll of Appreciation (http://www.ifla.org/honours-awards/ifla-scroll)   IFLA Scroll of Appreciation is awarded annually by the IFLA Governing Board to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) National Committee for that year. Additionally, any Member may nominate an individual who has given distinguished service to IFLA. Staff, including core activities staff, is eligible for nomination.   In making its decision, the Executive Committee shall examine only the evidence provided to it through the nomination.  The evidence provided should be based on the following required criteria:   1. Length of service to IFLA; 2. Nature of the service to IFLA; 3. Significance of that service to IFLA, and its impact on IFLA.  The Executive Committee (http://www.ifla.org/executive-committee) of the Governing Board considers all nominations in committee and in confidence. The Executive Committee bases its decisions only on the evidence submitted with the nominations and any further evidence sought from the nominees or referees.   The Executive Committee and the Secretary General shall not enter into correspondence on individual nominations. Only successful nominations will be published.   Wherever possible honours and awards shall be announced and conferred at the annual WLIC.     NOMINATION FORMS: * Honorary Fellow  	[DOC: http://www.ifla.org/files/hq/forms/honorary-fellow-nomination-form-2011.doc] 	[PDF: http://www.ifla.org/files/hq/forms/honorary-fellow-nomination-form-2011.pdf]  * IFLA Medal  	[DOC: http://www.ifla.org/files/hq/forms/ifla-medal-nomination-form-2011.doc]  	[PDF: http://www.ifla.org/files/hq/forms/ifla-medal-nomination-form-2011.pdf]  * IFLA Scroll of Appreciation  	[DOC: http://www.ifla.org/files/hq/forms/scroll-of-appreciation-nomination-form-2011.doc] 	[PDF: http://www.ifla.org/files/hq/forms/scroll-of-appreciation-nomination-form-2011.pdf]   ----  Nominations for awards to be conferred in 2011 are invited, in confidence, on this form which may be sent by e-mail as an attachment, by FAX, or post:   e-mail: ifla@ifla.org    FAX: +31 70 3834827   Post:	HONOURS and AWARDS 	IFLA 	P.O. Box 95312 	2509 CH The Hague 	The Netherlands    Completed nomination forms must arrive no later than 11 April 2011.