2010. november 23., kedd

[KATALIST] Proposal for a new IFLA Special Interest Group for RFID

Az [IFLA-L] -ről:

Dear colleagues,  the IFLA Information Technology section proposes the creation of a Special Interest Group on RFID.  The proposal for an RFID Special Interest Group was first discussed on the occasion of the 69th IFLA General Conference and  Council 2003 in Berlin with the open session of IFLA's Information Technology session "Wireless Technologies for Library Services - RFID in Use". Since then it can be said that up until now, during the latest conferences and meetings held by  IFLA, the subject of RFID was more a side issue in IFLA and that now we could change this situation through the foundation  of a SIG (=Special Interest Group) into making this a main IFLA topic.  Today our common understanding is that the RFID approach and the underlying technologies are one of the most significant and  important challenges facing libraries; offering great potential to enhance front and back office services and strengthening  the library position compared to the RFID and LMS/ILS suppliers concerning applications, interfaces and so on.  Since libraries first started using RFID systems in the late 1990s there are now about 3,000 libraries worldwide that have  identified the advantages of this technology and many more that are planning to introduce it. ITS sees a need for an ongoing  discussion about this technology and libraries in a broader scope across different approaches. IFLA would be an ideal place  for sharing our common knowledge of RFID in the library context.  This group SIG-RFID will help to highlight RFID's advantages, to avoid pitfalls and to provide an opportunity for  non-commercial communication. For these reasons we ask for approval of the new RFID Special Interest Group (SIG-RFID).  Please support the creation of the SIG-RFID by adding your name on the wiki page at [1] immediately and we try to deliver  the current state into IFLA acceptance process.  Because the default language for anonymous use of the cited wiki-page is german, some advice: Please click the "Bearbeiten"  Button, add your signature at the end of the document, enter the letters from the Captscha-Image and store  (with "Speichern") - that's all. You don't have to be an IFLA member or official representative to sign. But you should  really intend to participate in the SIG. If the SIG-RFID is approved by IFLA the first face to face meeting is planned for  IFLA WLIC 2011 in Puerto Rico, the day to day work form will take place by electronic collaboration.  [1] https://wiki.d-nb.de/x/mQN8Ag      Best regards,      Reinhard Altenhöner   Reinhard Altenhöner  Information Technology Section - chair Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Director IT Adickesallee 1 D-60322 Frankfurt am Main phone +49-69-1525-1700  fax: +49-69-1525-1799 mailto:r.altenhoener@d-nb.de http://www.d-nb.de   Dr. Frank Seeliger Leiter der Hochschulbibliothek TH Wildau [FH] Bahnhofstrasse / Halle 10 15745 Wildau T. +49 3375 508 155 /...123 http://www.th-wildau.de/bibliothek.html