2010. november 18., csütörtök

[KATALIST] Fwd: Kesztyűs kézzel a vatikáni könyvtárban ....

-------- Az eredeti üzenet a HelpALibrarian listáról érkezett. --------

Dátum: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 15:26:12 -0500
Feladó: HelpALibrarian <heather@helpalibrarian.com>

Help A Librarian (HAL)
For anyone who is going to be in Rome, the Vatican library is having an exhibit. "Understanding the Vatican Library: a History Open to the Future" is open until January 31, 2011 in the Braccio Carlo Magno next to St. Peter's Square. It's being reported that white cotton gloves will even be provided to increase the sensation of authenticity, even though documents that can be touched are high quality facsimiles. Here is a video from Rome Reports with more details. Let me know if you go. It sounds fascinating.

További hasznos linkek:
videoval: http://www.romereports.com/palio/Vatican-Library-exhibits-oldest-manuscript-of-the-Gospel-english-3049.html

To reserve a tour, visit:

Haraszti Katalin
IFLA-HUN moderátor