2010. november 17., szerda

[KATALIST] Fwd: [IFLA-L] New Research Journal on Libraries and Young Adults

Új nyílt hozzáférésű, ingyenes könyvtáros folyóirat indult angolul fiatal felnőttek számára az Amerikai Könyvtárosok Egyesülete (ALA) fiatal felnőttek felé irányuló szolgáltatásokkal foglalkozó szekciójának gondozásában. Ők a fiatal felnőtt kor 12 és 18 év közt határozták meg, a célközönség tehát mindazon könyvtárosok, akik e korosztály kiszolgálásával foglalkoznak. A folyóirat negyedévenként fog megjelenni, a most novemberi szám után jövőre februárban, májusban, augusztusban.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Dowling <mdowling@ala.org>
Date: Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 6:27 PM
Subject: [IFLA-L] New Research Journal on Libraries and Young Adults
To: ifla-l@infoserv.inist.fr
Cc: alaworld@ala.org

The Young Adult Library Services Association, a division of the American Library Association, has launched the inaugural issue of its open-access, peer-reviewed electronic research journal, the Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults at http://yalsa.ala.org/jrlya. Visit the web site to read the articles &/or subscribe to the RSS feed.  The journal will be published quarterly beginning in November 2010, with issues following each February, May and August.


The first issue highlights paper presentations from YALSA's Young Adult Literature Symposium, held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Nov. 5-7 with a theme of Diversity, Literature and Teens: Beyond Good Intentions. The papers in the issue are:


·         Cultural Inquiry: A Framework for Engaging Youth of Color in the Library, by Dr. Kafi Kumasi

·         "Teens Today Don't Read Books Anymore": A Study of Differences in Interest and Comprehension Based on Reading Modalities: Part 1, Introduction and Methodology, by Jessica E. Moyer

·         Pushing the Envelope: Exploring Sexuality in Teen Literature, by Eleanor Wood

The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults disseminates research of interest to librarians, library workers and academics who focus on library service to young adults, ages 12 through 18. It will also serve as the official research publication of the association, publishing annotated lists of recent research from YALSA's Research Committee, Henne Award–winning research, papers from YALSA's biennial Young Adult Literature Symposium and papers presented at YALSA's annual Past Presidents' Lecture (held each January at ALA's Midwinter Meeting).


Those interested in submitting a paper to JRLYA for future issues are encouraged to contact the editor at yalsaresearch@gmail.com. Author guidelines and more information can be found at http://yalsa.ala.org/jrlya.  Individuals interested in serving on the journal's advisory board, which facilitates the peer review process, should fill out a volunteer form at http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/yalsa/joinus/committeevolunteer.cfm.  Appointments to the 2010 – 2011 advisory board will be made in February and March by Sarah Flowers, YALSA's President-Elect, and the group's work begins in July.  The group's work is 100% virtual—attendance at ALA conferences is not required.



Stephanie (Stevie) Kuenn

Communications Specialist

Young Adult Library Services Association


v: 312.280.2128

f: 312.280-5276


Check out YALSA's newest book, Young Adults Deserve the Best: YALSA's Competencies in Action, at www.alastore.ala.org!