2010. május 28., péntek

[KATALIST] Publikálási lehetőség

Subject: Call for Chapters, Advances in Librarianship, Volume 33 (Librarianship in Times of Crisis)
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 11:25:19 +0100
From: Emerald Group Publishing Limited <replies@emeraldinsight.com>
To: Mr Henrik Vajda <hvajda@oszk.hu>

Emerald - the world’s leading publisher of management journals and databases
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Call for Chapter Proposals – Advances in Librarianship, Volume 33

Librarianship in Times of Crisis

The impact of the global economic crisis is having a severe and probably lasting impact on libraries and related fields. Libraries are not only reducing book and periodical buying, they are asking publishers to hold prices at prior year levels. Colleges and universities with LIS program are seeking new income streams. In the U.S., state libraries such as New Jersey’s, fight to survive funding cuts as high as 74%. Public libraries are closing branches and cutting service hours. Academic libraries are pooling their purchases and technical services to streamline operations. Library associations, such as the Canadian Library Association, are seeking structural changes to sustain themselves.

The 2011 volume will focus on the impact of plummeting support, as well as creative solutions to surviving this tsunami. Papers are sought from all sectors of the field: education; publishing; and all types of libraries and information services, associations and related industries.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Mergers and consolidations amongst consortia and regional cooperatives
  • Downsizing library hours and eliminating public library branch services
  • Large, medium and small academic libraries solutions to cost cutting
  • Staff reorganizations, layoffs, salary and benefit cuts
  • Merging technical and non-public service operations across two or more academic libraries
  • Refining and narrowing core/principal missions
  • Digital solutions to offset funding losses
  • Advocacy efforts by the public to resist loss of library funding
  • Marketing the value of the library to users
  • Opening new markets for library and information science schools
  • Effect on the publishing industry
  • Impact on museums, archives and special collections
  • Extent of union leadership in downsizing efforts
  • How are libraries in all sectors preserving quality of services to their clients
  • Impact and solutions for national, state and other government operations and services
Please submit chapter proposals by October 1st 2010 to awoodsworth@emeraldinsight.com

Author guidelines and further information on the Advances in Librarianship series can be found on the website at: http://info.emeraldinsight.com/products/books/series.htm?id=0065-2830

Questions or comments should be addressed to the Editor and submitted via e-mail to awoodsworth@emeraldinsight.com

Schedule of due dates:

Oct 1st 2010: proposal outlines
Feb 1st 2011: first drafts
May 1st 2011: revised drafts

Kind regards,

Mary Miskin
Assistant Commissioning Editor
Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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Kedves Kollégák,

az Emerald egyik évkönyvének, az Advances in Librarianshipnek 2011-ben
megjelenő kötetébe vár egy fejezetet kitevő, angol nyelvű cikket őszi
határidővel, ami természetesen a hazai könyvtári szakma számára is
publikálási lehetőség. A cikk - miként az egész kötet - témája a
gazdasági világválság okozta megcsappant források hatásai és az ezek
enyhítését célzó megoldások. Minden részletet a mellékletben találnak.


Vajda Henrik
OSZK Könyvtári Intézet
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1827 Budapest
Budavári Palota F épület
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e-mail: hvajda@oszk.hu